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Aggregating data

ArangoDB supports aggregation of data via collect

  1. Let’s determine the number of airports by state

    for airport in airports
    collect state = airport.state with count into total
    return {
    state: state,
    'airports total': total
  2. Here is a snippet of the expected results:

    "state": "AK",
    "airports total": 263
    "state": "AL",
    "airports total": 73
    "state": "AR",
    "airports total": 74
    "state": "AS",
    "airports total": 3
    "state": "AZ",
    "airports total": 59
    "state": "CA",
    "airports total": 205
    "state": "CO",
    "airports total": 49
  3. You can also sort the results

    for airport in airports
    collect state = airport.state WITH COUNT INTO total
    sort total desc
    return {
    state: state,
    'airports total': total
  4. Here is a snippet of the expected results:

    "state": "AK",
    "airports total": 263
    "state": "TX",
    "airports total": 209
    "state": "CA",
    "airports total": 205
    "state": "OK",
    "airports total": 102
    "state": "OH",
    "airports total": 100
    "state": "FL",
    "airports total": 100
    "state": "NY",
    "airports total": 97
  5. Let's also determine the longest and shortest flights in the dataset

    for flight in flights
    collect aggregate
    minDistance = min(flight.Distance),
    maxDistance = max(flight.Distance)

    return {
    "Shortest flight": minDistance,
    "Longest flight": maxDistance
  6. Here is the expected result:

    "Shortest flight": 24,
    "Longest flight": 4962
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